Top Ten

November 25, 2003 at 5:16 pm | blabbing.

My friend Dave asked me about my Top Ten CD’s, in a desert island kinda way, so it got me thinking. This is sort of a rough list and I guess it reflects what I am listening to right now. (Not in order of importance)

  • My Bloody Valentine – Loveless
  • Tom Waits – Rain Dogs
  • Steely Dan – Aja
  • Miles Davis – Kind of Blue
  • Getz Gilberto
  • Ryan Adams – Heartbreaker
  • Smashing Pumpkins – Gish
  • Beatles – One (If I am allowed a compilation if not then Abbey Road)
  • Nada Surf – Proximity Effect
  • Wilco – Being There

The Little Red Buddy

November 19, 2003 at 3:51 pm | blabbing.

I am both happy and sad to report that I have sold my 88 Chevy Sprint to a good home in SF. The happiness is that it went to a good home for a nice amount of money and it is one less thing for me to park around my neighborhood. The sad part is that I will miss the buddy and this was made even worse by that fact that I could not sell it to a nice girl named Tami who IM’d me after I put the ad up on Cragislist. I showed the IM to Alanna and we both had a great moment when we thought the car would go to her and that she was right for the car.

But alas I needed the money and money was the one thing that Tami did not have alot of. So in memory I will refer to the car as “Tami’s little red buddy”



at 3:23 pm | blabbing.

My girlfriend has an anal retentive, obsessive scheduling behavior disorder, and it’s kinda sexy.


at 3:17 pm | blabbing.

Here is a great site where you can confess all sorts of weird stuff. I wonder if makes people feel better to shout these little gems out into the void.[Site]

Dear Santa

November 17, 2003 at 3:33 pm | blabbing.

I have been very good this year.

I have:
Saved money
Worked hard (Maybe a little to hard)
Cooked my girlfriend dinner
Bought lots of birthday presents for people.
Cleaned my plate
Put my toys away
Looked both ways before crossing the street.
NOT been indicted on any felony warrants
Paid my parking tickets (every last @#($*%& one of them)
Tried not swear

and Whistled while in traffic.

I would like:
A portable USB Jump Drive (256MB)
Zen Buddhism: Selected Writings of D. T. Suzuki
Gift Certificates to Musicians Friend.
A Nice 2 button Wheel mouse for my MAC
T-Shirts from American Apparel
Verve or West Coast Jazz
and a new pair of sneakers. (Pumas)

If someone thinks that I have been especially nice this year I would like:


Jury Duty

November 15, 2003 at 12:02 am | blabbing.

So my crazy week of jury duty is over. I ended up being a jury foreman on a civil trial between two guys who had a fist fight turned bad (as in pipes and wrenches, bad). It was retarded.

My week otherwise sucked big time. My car got towed from in front of my house. They put a note on my car saying that I should move it, so I did. I moved the car, cleaned off the windows and put a 4-Sale sign on it. I guess that was not enough for the DPT because they decided to tow my car anyway. I mean my car looks a little dirty but it is not abandoned.

So I had to go down to the City tow (7th and Bryant) and spend $200 (Half the value of my car) to get a little piece of paper that would let me walk 6 miles to the tow yard on 22nd and 3rd street. Lovely.

So along with this I had a shit load of work to do.

Yeah this weeks sucked.

Weekend Moon

November 9, 2003 at 5:32 pm | blabbing.


Not everybody could see it this weekend, but there was a lunar eclipse that looked pretty cool.