Turkey Day

November 23, 2007 at 11:00 am | blabbing.

Alanna and I went down to Mountain View for a small family get together with my sisters. There was much food to be had, nice wine and Alanna’s magical pies.

Kurt Vonnegut

November 21, 2007 at 2:26 pm | blabbing.

This is a funny list of “15 things Kurt Vonnegut said better than anybody” It’s pretty great to read through.

Honda fuel cell

November 20, 2007 at 7:38 pm | blabbing.

I was not prepared for this commercial. While the big three (GM, Ford and Chrysler) keep saying that fuel cell and hybrid technology is 5-10 years out. (they have been saying that for 20 years) Honda is advertising and selling it’s fuel cell car today. Go to the website and check it out.


November 18, 2007 at 10:57 pm | blabbing.

I am finally finished getting my new computer and music studio setup together. The last two pieces were my new Universal Audio PCIe card and an upgrade to Logic Studio. The strange but great part about all of this, is that I didn’t have any show stoppers at all. No software that doesn’t work, no… Read more »

Gift cards are for chumps

November 15, 2007 at 11:03 am | blabbing.

There is a great post today on Seth Godin’s blog about gift cards. I think it is very true, if you are giving a gift card like that, people rarely use the whole thing and then the company that sold you the gift card keeps the unused portion that is never redeemed. Something even worse… Read more »


November 14, 2007 at 10:33 am | blabbing.

So I have a bunch of accounts with Etrade and some $(#$&% retarded ANALyst gave some crystal ball prediction that Etrade might declare bankruptcy over some write downs in it’s mortgage business. So their stock dropped by 2/3s and now people are talking about someone buying them. I moved most of my money to Etrade… Read more »

Almost there

November 9, 2007 at 7:27 pm | blabbing.

My new computer is almost complete. A new MacPro with a Motu 2408 audio card. I am just waiting for my new Universal Audio PCI express card and for my new version of Logic.


November 5, 2007 at 10:52 am | blabbing.

I’m really glad that someone put up this page for Yoyodyne. Some people like the “crying of lot 49” reference more.

lost in the corn maze

at 10:48 am | blabbing.

Alanna and I spent saturday wandering around a huge corn maze (never noticed the redundancy in those words before).


November 2, 2007 at 10:50 am | blabbing.

So I spent some time last night setting up and installing my new MacPro with Leopard. Everything seemed to go pretty smoothly. The only hiccup that I had was using Apples built in data migration tool to transfer my Apps and Docs from my old mac to the new mac. I have two built in… Read more »