February 7, 2008 at 2:55 pm | blabbing.

I have been reading the Simple Dollar site pretty regularly and while some of the advice are things that I already do, I like the consistent tone and advice.

The biggest thing that he doesn’t really go into is one of the first things that I learned.

When at all possible “Buy in Bulk”.

Bathroom tissue, toothpaste, olive oil. Anything that you use regularly, will not go bad and you have the room for, you should buy in bulk.

Another good one is that its not one time purchases that kill you, its the monthly bills that add up. $75 a month for cable doesn’t seem like that much but that is $900 a year. 5 years of saving that money instead of spending it on cable and you could afford a used car or a really kick ass vacation.

Save, Save, Save, so you can blow all your money on nice things for your fiancee.