Adding Featured image to a post in WordPress

February 5, 2013 at 10:51 am | blabbing.

Quick Youtube movie I did about adding featured images to a post in WordPress.

Code that will add the featured image to your post

// check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    // This would tell WordPress that if there is a 
    // Featured image to insert it in the page	
// Regular Content from the Post

Post Thumbnail / Featured Image on WordPress Site

People have more computing pow…

October 2, 2012 at 9:36 am | web.

People have more computing power in their pocket than was imaginable 25 years ago. It’s not the “Post” PC era, it’s the Super PC era.

Sync Dropbox folder with sites folder

at 9:23 am | blabbing.

A quick and easy way to sync a site you are working on between machines is to setup the site in the Dropbox folder on your machine. If you don’t have Dropbox, go and sign up because its a very handy piece of software for keeping files in sync as well as collaborating with others on music or whatever.

If you have a working site in your /Users/Name/Sites/ folder move that same folder (don’t copy) to your Dropbox folder on your machine.

In Terminal type the following to setup your Symlink between the folder in Dropbox and a folder in the sites folder.


One last thing is to make sure that the persmission of your Dropbox folder on your machine is set to 755. You can do this in Terminal or by hitting Command+I on the folder.

Now your are ready to work on the folder no matter what machine you are on.

Testing out the new WordPress SyntaxHighlighter vs. Gist from Github

September 27, 2012 at 9:40 am | blabbing.

JS tag in syntaxhighlighter with the 7th line highlighted. Which is easier or better?

<script type="text/javascript">
	getGravity = function(){
		//alert("I have the input.");
		if(document.getElementById('og-slider').value != ''){
			var og = document.getElementById('og-slider').value;			
		}else {
			alert("Please Enter an Original Gravity");
		if(document.getElementById('fg-slider').value != ''){
			var fg = document.getElementById('fg-slider').value;
		}else {
			alert("Please Enter an Final Gravity");
	        var subTotal = og - fg;
		subTotal = subTotal.toFixed(3);
		var abw = subTotal *105;
		abw = abw.toFixed(2);
		abv = abw * 1.25;
		abv = abv.toFixed(1);
		document.getElementById('abw').innerHTML = abw + "%";
		document.getElementById('abv').innerHTML = abv + "%";

Embed of Gist from Github

The care of a phone, computer,…

September 13, 2012 at 5:52 pm | web.

The care of a phone, computer, email inbox is in direct proportion to a persons digital life. Some people are just digital slobs.