The Following was an email that I sent to Like most online sites they will ignore the email or get back to me right away with a form email about how they value customer input while the email that I sent simply evaporates into the ether that is customer service.
Just a note about your site.
You have without a doubt the worst site login architecture I have ever seen….
Over the time that I have been coming to you site I have had to change my account name and change my password over a dozen times each.
1. Why do you find the need to make people CHANGE their password if they have forgotten their password? (Maybe they just cleared their browser cache of cookies!)
2. Even Amazon, which holds peoples credit card info, does not make the person change their password everytime they forget their password or clear their cookies from their browser.
3. The content that I would like to see is, according to your own site, FREE!!!!!! Why would you have such a strict policy about passwords?
4. Almost every person that I have sent a link to a story on your site has come back and said they do not have an account on your site nor after a quick review of your account procedures would they want one.
5. If you want people to visit your site and feel good about your site. Make it easy for them to BE on your site!
I will not be back to you site.
I will not link to stories on your site.
I will not even wish your site on my worst enemy.