Our new refrigerator is now firmly in place in our kitchen and I feel so much better. Alanna and I spotted this sporty new model while at Costco around the corner from my work. We became very giddy and decided right then and there that if the landlord would not replace our ancient model (ours was so old that the freezer part was inside of the fridge, and it would always fill will ice and make it impossible to close the door.) with this sporty new frostless, stainless steel model that we would buy it ourselves.
Getting a 10.3 cubic foot refrigerator inside of 1988 Chevy Sprint (aptly dubbed “The Little Red Buddy” by my brother) is hard but not impossible, but then getting that fridge inside an apartment without a hand truck to get it up the stairs is a chore. I can understand how relationships run into a lot of problems when moving large pieces of furniture, but lucky for us Alanna and I are pretty good at not killing each other in such instances. We even switched the doors on it so that it would open the other way. 3 days to Italy.