March 19, 2009 at 11:32 am | blabbing.

Netiquette for people who don’t know, is basic “Internet Etiquette”. It has been around since the beginning of internet and usenet communities on the web. Sometimes I think it should be taught in school along with typing as required courses in the internet age. A lot of people know the basics of “Netiquette”. Things like don’t use all capital letters because people think your shouting or use BCC when emailing a lot of people who don’t really know each other.

People and companies break a lot of basic rules of internet etiquette all the time. Sometimes they are trying to grab your attention, sometimes they are trying to be cute and most of the time they just don’t know what they are doing. Here are some website etiquette things that I think companies and individuals should pay a little more attention to.

It’s my browser and I’ll do what I want

Sites that immediately re-size your web browser to take advantage of all of your screen resolution are rude. If your site does not work inside of the normal web screen size (800×600 or 1024×768) your site is the thing that needs adjusting not my browser. Do not re-size my browser window without asking me. I’ll decide how I want to see you site or app. If your site is worth it, I will change my browser to fit.

Ads ads everywhere

Pop-up ads and pop-behind ads are annoying to users and they make your site look cheap. Little scrolling ads that follow your mouse around, just make me want to leave your site immediately, they tell me you don’t care about the people on your page at all. Google displays ads in a very nice way and that is why users like them. There is a better way. Find it.

Take me where I want to go.

If I click on a specific link, take me to that page. Redirecting me to some other content or making me hunt for the content I was looking for inside of a page that has to much stuff will only make me leave and think that you don’t have the content. If people click on your link in Google and then quickly leave your site back to Google, Google will punish your search ranking accordingly.

Your technology is not that important to me
Sites that put key parts of their site into technologies or plugins that require me to download and install something are already at a disadvantage. If I need to install a Java APP to contact your business, you will probable never get an email from me. People who still answer the phone are dying breed in business today. People still appreciate it and will adjust their choices accordingly. Having a good receptionist or support line is more important than the 4 part Ajax enabled sales form on your website.

I could add to this list all day.

Here are some good references for Netiquette:
Netiquette Site