I spent a lot of time last week trying to install Adobe CS3 on my computer at work and I ran into some frustrating install problems. After I had already tried to rip out every Adobe install and Macromedia install that I had on my machine, just like they tell you to, I installed my copy of CS3 web premium. The problems began at the end of the installation when it said it did not install Illustrator CS3. Ahhhh, I kinda need that program, so I tried to install again and after another 1 hour install it says the same thing. Cannot install Illustrator CS3.
After a bunch of reading and more install attempts I found some people talking about extension permissions in the windows registry. Some people seemed to be having problems with certain extensions like .svg or .svgx. The best advice I got was to go and look in the windows installer log when you can find out what your specific problem is.
You can find your installer log files here:
C:\Documents and Settings\[User name]\Local Settings\Temp\MSI***.log
My specific problem was a Error 1401 and it revolved around a totally different extension file than other people had been having problems with. [.pcx] If you go into the registry (which I would not recommend unless you know what you are doing) and right click on the file you can change the default system permissions for this extension.
Once this is done you can once again try to re-install. Kinda funny that Adobe’s own products are the things causing problems for installing CS3.