I had to make a small Flash demo the other day and part of it was showing a bunch of search engine logos, so just for fun I decided to use each search engine to find the logo of the respective engine. It was just another way to illustrate why Google is the king of… Read more »
This Microsoft FireFox spoof is so well done that I almost believe that its serious. It even has videos. I mean well done videos. Most people who have actual products would be lucky to have a site that is done this well. Look at the time they took to do the box shot. Sweet. Ok,… Read more »
http://www.randsinrepose.com/glossary_alpha.html He also has some great other content. If you are a geek or know someone who is. His book also looks pretty interesting. It has a great microsite.
Matt over at WordPress posted that he uses Adobe Dreamweaver and he has had problems with the newer release. Somehow I was kinda surprised at this. I have heard so many coders (maybe this is just the Linux and Unix guys) ripping Dreamweaver since it came out that I thought it was sort of the… Read more »