New Goodies for the studio

April 12, 2006 at 7:51 am | music.

I treated myself to some new stuff for my home studio. I have an old Echo Audio Gina PCI card that was making some popping and clicking so I got a Presonus Firebox which so far is kinda having some latency issues that are disappointing. I also replaced my old keyboard controller with an M-Audio… Read more »

Goodbye Silver Face Twin

April 4, 2006 at 7:33 am | music.

I finally sold my 70’s silver face twin the other day. I had tried to put it on Craigslist and I showed it to one guy, but then I realized that it needed tubes and I didn’t want to try and sell it without knowing that it was not going to fuckup for someone else…. Read more »

Rogue Wave @ Bimbos

April 2, 2006 at 7:24 am | music.

I like Rogue Wave, I mean I really like them. But this show was not all that good. I think that their record is one of the best to come out in years but unfortunately they do not have enought material to hold a show together as a headliner. At least right now. I saw… Read more »

Grand National

March 4, 2006 at 7:18 am | music.

I have been raving about Grand National – Kicking the National Habit to just about anyone that will listen. It’s one of those CD’s that creeps up on you and then you keep hearing random songs and wondering “Who is this?” and damnit its Grand National again. Sometimes spooky good and sometimes cheesey 80’s dance… Read more »

Nada Surf and Rogue Wave

February 25, 2006 at 10:33 pm | music.

Went and saw Nada Surf and Rogue Wave at the Fillmore this week. It was a great show. Its great to see a local band like Rogue Wave with such a great album. They were lots of fun to see live. Nada Surf had a great show as well. They are touring with a keyboard… Read more »

Velveteen Candy

January 2, 2006 at 6:38 am | music.

Making tapes of your music is kinda like putting all sorts of little children out into the world. Well Truman Capote said putting out a book was more like taking a child out into the backyard and shooting it but, potato potatoe whatever. Got a great email from someone who auditioned to be a bass… Read more »

OLD 97s

November 20, 2005 at 6:35 pm | music.

We went to an OLD 97s show the other weekend. Super fun. Alanna could not resist getting a new T-shirt.

One Arm Quebec

November 18, 2005 at 7:28 am | music.

Since I am unable to play guitar and do most music stuff since my motorcycle accident, I have decided that I will make an electronica record under the name “One Arm Quebec”. Quebec is the name they gave me at the emergency room after the accident. When you come in they give you an alphabetical… Read more »

Nada Surf Show

October 26, 2005 at 8:39 am | music.

Alanna and I went to the Nada Surf show last friday at Bimbos. They were great to see and very chatty with the audience. They missed sound check so the sound was a bit wacky. Sometimes the backing vocals were louder than the lead. Maybe I am picky. Highlights would be Ira fucking up while… Read more »

Show for my Band

October 5, 2005 at 5:18 am | music.

My band is having its first show this friday. We are pretty excited. As of now we have four shows lined up in the next couple of months. Now if we could only get off our asses and write and record some new stuff. Oh wait that is my job.