Great infinite Scroll in WordPress

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If you are looking for a plugin to do infinite scroll in a WordPress category or author page in your site, look no further than This plugin is everything that you will need. The surprisingly great plugin settings can control the id of the element that holds the post items among other things. And… Read more »

WordPress uploads folder permissions problem

Posted by & filed under web, Wordpress.

If you are self hosting a WordPress blog install at some point you have run into a problem with permission or know someone who has. Mostly it surrounds the uploads folder for your media. The internet is filled with threads about the problem. Do yourself a favor and don’t do as some people suggest and set… Read more »

iOS Simulator in your App dock

Posted by & filed under Apple, web.

Where exactly is the iOS Simulator when you need it? Do you really need to open Xcode every time in order to just open the simulator? Why can’t you find it in finder or in Spotlight? Here is a quick time to make the iOS Simulator easier to access. 1. Find Xcode in your Applications… Read more »

Compass NilClass

Posted by & filed under Programming, SASS, web.

Had some awesome fun with a compass sass –watch statement today. The problem that I ran into was related to image sprites. A statement like this. sass –watch –compass –sourcemap _css Would get me this. And compass would quit on me. NoMethodError: undefined method `parent’ for nil:NilClass Use –trace for backtrace. The problem, it turned… Read more »

Bad svn no donut!

Posted by & filed under Programming, web.

The following command line in subversion will get you the response “At Revision 1234”. What this should be doing is updating the file to a specific revision. But what it should really say is “There is no file, you crackhead.” since there is no file at that location in the file system. How exactly can… Read more »

Google utmz cookie values

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When trying to get values from PPC campaigns into marketing automation or into form fields, it’s always helpful to know what fields inside the Google utmz cookie match to which fields. Here is a basic list of the variables in the cookie and how they match up. utmcmd => Medium utmccn => Campaign utmctr =>… Read more »

Importing content from a site

Posted by & filed under web, Wordpress.

Couple of quick points when it comes time to move your site over to a self hosted site. This can be especially painful for a large site with lots of users. Export gives user name but no email and NO OTHER content. No password, no author status – You will have to edit this… Read more »

Using colorbox with multiple styles

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If you happen to run into the need to use colobox with two different styles, like one for photos and one for videos you can use the className param in later versions of Colorbox or you can use jQuery to add “addClass” to the wrapper ID so you can target the individual styles that you… Read more »

Google Maps pin bubble

Posted by & filed under blabbing.

If you are looking to get rid of the Google Maps location bubble for simple Google maps iFrames try adding &iwloc=near to the end of the iFrame SRC url.

Vimeo video fitvid

Posted by & filed under blabbing.

Just testing to see if WordPress will automatically use the Vimeo iFrame embed by simply typing in the Vimeo URL. Oh fitvid. You rock.