Went to the first day of Noise Pop last night at Bimbos. After getting our tickets and downing a few around the corner at La Roccas we headed in to see how things were stacking up. We missed the first band but were told that we really didn’t miss much. The next band was Velveteen… Read more »
Posts By: admin
PBS Program about the war in Iraq
Great Program on PBS about the war in Iraq The weird part about the Frontline program that was on thursday night is the fact that it felt like history but it portrayed events all the way up to the week before it aired. ( I have it on tape and am lending it to friends, how… Read more »
Email Order Confirmation from CD BABY
Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow. A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing. Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush… Read more »
Laugh or we kill the lobster
This single phrase saved my sanity today. Feeling slightly depressed about the state of the world, my job, my life, the price of cookies and all things in between. I decided to take a walk around the block to see if I could cool down my grey matter. I spotted this phrase on the cover… Read more »
Laugh or we kill the lobster
Taking some time tonight to go over old song tapes. I have been recording small riffs and full songs on a little cassette tape recorder for about 13 years so some are incredibly bad. Then again some are just plain great, and I have no idea how to play them. 🙂 Since I am getting… Read more »
Interpol Show and other Valentine excursions:
Had some good fun this valentines weekend. Friday night Alanna and I went to a restaurant in the lower Haight called Bloo. This decision was made for us by the fact that every restaurant in a 25 mile radius was filled until 10pm. While I can’t say that Bloo was bad I can say that… Read more »
Daredevil is a rental
Except from NyTimes article: “A big man, Mr. Affleck is shriveled by the one-dimensional role. Even his scarlet leather outfit makes him diminutive. The interlocked double D on his left breast makes him look like part of the food-service industry: “Hi, I’m Daredevil, and I’ll be your superhero this evening.”
Favorite Record of 2003 So Far…
Got the new Nada Surf record “Let Go” today. I am blown away…. The leap from their last “Proximity Effect” is huge. I will be listening to this record and bashing people in the ear with their talent for as long as I can. 😉
Unbelievable class action suite brought by Indians against the Department of the Interior. If you read through the PDFs of court transcripts you will be amazed at the Department of Justices fraudulent practices on their behalf. The sheer ineptitude borders on mental retardation.
2 laps around the panhandle tonight in my first run in a while. 28:22 was my time. I didn’t realize what running would do to my shins. I am going to be hurting tomorrow.